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Coalition to Make Homes Possible Aims to Close Homeownership Gap in Southern Nevada


Coalition to Make Homes Possible Aims to Close Homeownership Gap in Southern Nevada


Coalition to Make Homes Possible Aims to Close Homeownership Gap in Southern Nevada

There'€™s a new coalition to make homeownership possible in southern Nevada. 

The homeownership gap is especially large in southern Nevada, where only 35 percent of Black people are homeowners. That'€™s why Homie, a tech-based real estate company, has joined forces with organizations such as the Nevada Housing Division, the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB), Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA), AmeriFirst Financial, and NID Housing Counseling Agency of Southern Nevada, among others, to create the Coalition to Make Homes Possible. The Coalition to Make Homes Possible aims to shrink the homeownership gap over the next ten years. Homie and their partners will provide financial support to cover down payments. They will also assist with other services like credit repair, housing counseling, and financial coaching. After the home buyers close on their new house, Homie will also offer an additional $2,500. AccordingtoHomie'€™swebsite,theyare'€œonamissiontosimplifythecustomerexperienceanddramaticallyreducethecostsofbuyingorsellingahome,'€andHomieHelpsaimsto'€œdonatehundredsofthousandsofdollarseachyeartobenefitlocalnon-profits.'€The Coalition to Make Homes Possible will also aim to put on educational events to help Black households gain helpful skills for home buying and homeownership. In fact, the first event, a master class on building black wealth with homeownership, will be held virtually on Saturday, Feb. 27. This event will help guests learn about the basics of homeownership and set up a personal plan to purchase a home. 

You can register for this event and learn more about the Coalition to Make Homes Possible on their website: https://www.makehomespossible.org/ Don'€™tforgettosearchour site fordownpaymentassistance,andotherincentives.