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5 Neighborhoods in Prince George’s County Where It’s Cheaper to Buy Than Rent


5 Neighborhoods in Prince George’s County Where It’s Cheaper to Buy Than Rent

Due to a combination of poor credit scores, stagnant minimum wage, and widespread unemployment, it’s no wonder that many people are seeking to avoid the financial burden of homeownership by renting versus buying a house. Although renters now make up nearly 40% of home-dwellers, there are still places in the U.S. where buying a home is actually the more sensible financial decision. Occasionally buying a home can be overall cheaper than renting, with the added perks of boosting your credit score and bringing you a slew of tax benefits. In Prince George’s County, here are 5 neighborhoods where you just might find a house to fit and exceed your budget.


The city of Bowie is a quiet residential neighborhood with an exceptional school system, as well as a low unemployment rate and one of the hottest job markets in Maryland. Radiating with diverse culture, Bowie is also among the safest neighborhoods in the county and home to several historical sites and attractions. Home princes in Bowie average at around $387k, and rent for houses of the same size and location can average as much as $2800 a month. That’s charging more than double what the estimated mortgage of the house would be, in addition to nearing the ceiling of the .5-1.5% value of the house which should be what renters charge monthly. Needless to say, buying in Bowie may be a particularly wise investment!


Nestled just outside of D.C., Hyattsville is a bustling, diverse up-and-coming neighborhood, great both for families and those seeking a vibrant nightlife. Hyattsville is home to The Gateway Arts District, a community for growing and nurturing artists young and old, as well as dozens of local and chain retail and eatery locations. Home prices in Hyattsville average at $315k, and rent for houses of the same size and location tend to average at or above $2,600. That’s nearly triple the estimated mortgage of $1,079 per month for owning a house in the Hyattsville area.

Silver Hill

Silver Hill is a diverse neighborhood filled with young professionals and budding families. Equipped with an acclaimed transportation hub, pedestrian-friendly city streets, and a city center that celebrates community, Silver Hill is the perfect neighborhood for those who crave city living without the congestion that comes with metropolitan life. The median listing price for Houses in the Silver Hill area is just under $250k, average rent for homes of a similar size and location hovers around $2,000, sometimes triple of what a mortgage on a similar property costs.

Capitol Heights

Capitol Heights is a neighborhood located practically spitting distance away from the Capitol Building in D.C. Additionally, Capital Height offers exceptionally well-funded schools, a close proximity to the Potomac River, and as many restaurants and shops as your heart could desire. Capitol Heights, for their relatively high cost of living, has an average house price of only $275k and, for a house of similar size and location, a listed rent of $2,300+ a month. Mortgages in Capitol Heights for the average $275k house average to be just shy of a thousand.

Oxon Hill

Culturally rich and family friendly, Oxon Hill is close to the Capitol, but also far enough outside to provide a feeling of community within the neighborhood. Oxon Hill is conveniently located near the beltway for easy travel to and from D.C., and the city itself plays host to countless concerts and events, as well as abounds in restaurants and casinos at which to enjoy a night on the town. Houses in Oxon Hill tend to average at $280k. For a house of a similar size and location, the median rent hovers between $2,900 and $3,200, with a monthly mortgage typically clocking in at right under a thousand.

So Many to Choose From!

Choosing a new home, while exciting, can also be very overwhelming. With hundreds of thousands of different units and homes on the market, it’s hard to know where to start, let alone where to finish. These are only a handful of neighborhoods in the Prince George’s County area which may be better for you as a buyer than a renter, and there are virtually unlimited towns all across the U.S. which will yield similar results. Ultimately, find what works for you, and happy hunting!