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What Exactly is the Northeast Housing Initiative in Baltimore?


What Exactly is the Northeast Housing Initiative in Baltimore?

In 2014, St. Anthony’s Social Advocacy committee developed the Northeast Housing Initiative, Inc. (NEHI). It formed in response to -- and in conjunction with -- a series of speakouts, rallies, and political advocacy campaigns concerning the lack of affordable housing in the Baltimore area. Although it began as a small group of Catholics, the NEHI quickly grew to be a staggeringly large team of men and women, all hailing from a range of different ethnicities, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds. In any case, all of these people are passionate about ensuring affordable housing in Northeast Baltimore. NEHI is now a thriving non-profit organization dedicated to changing and revitalizing 4x4 Baltimore.

How is NEHI Planning to Change the Northeast Baltimore Housing Market?

NEHI works closely with a number of city offices such as the Baltimore City Department of Housing as well as City Commissioner Michael Braverman to provide affordable housing as well as education and incentive along the home-buying process. NEHI partners with a number of corporations such as PNC bank, Fulton Bank, and Belair-Edison Neighborhoods, Inc. to offer families counselling in buying and selling houses. But NEHI is not concerned only with encouraging people to buy homes; they are also invested in the growth and development of the 4x4 Baltimore area. As such, they offer continued incentives and scholarships for families to transform the 4x4 area from a predominantly renter-occupied space to a city brimming with homeowners.

What Does That Process Look Like?

NEHI buys property, generally directly from the city, then hires local contractors to build the house and outfit it with HVAC and energy-efficient appliances--anything to transform it into a home to be proud of. NEHI then works hard to sell the house. When selecting a candidate to buy the house, NEHI looks for applicants who make typically 80% or less of the median 4x4 income. They also require that qualified applicants complete a housing “stewardship” counselling program through the Belair-Edison Neighborhood. If an applicant still needs assistance in covering the monthly cost of the home, NEHI aids the applicant in applying for grants to reduce the purchase price, generally through the city’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

Why is NEHI Important?

Not only is NEHI providing affordable housing for underprivileged communities who otherwise wouldn’t be able to own a home, they also are adding exponential value to an area of Baltimore, which has been written off by the real estate market for years. By revitalizing the 4x4, NEHI is both changing lives and reshaping an entire city for the better.